Half Day Retreat – Mar 01, 2024


Mindfulness in Nature: Half-day Retreat
with Jenny Mulholland-Beahrs

Friday, February 2, 2024, 9 AM – 1 PM
Rescheduled: Friday, March 1, 2024, 9 AM – 1 PM
Tilden Regional Park, Berkeley, California

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SKU: hdr020224 Category:


Spend time nourishing your body, mind, and spirit at this half-day nature-based mindfulness retreat, honoring the halfway point between the winter solstice and spring equinox – also known as Imbolic. This day assumes significance, historically commemorated as a date symbolizing a nuanced yet significant resurgence toward longer, lighter, and brighter days when life begins to awaken from its winter sleep and prepare for the warmer and longer days to come.

Throughout this retreat, we will engage in guided sitting, standing, walking, and nature art practices and mostly meditate in silence. All are welcome and no prior meditation experience is required; only a willingness to stay curious, attentive, and open to being present with our inner and outer nature.

We will gather in Tilden Regional Park in Berkeley with the exact address to be shared upon registration. Please note that our main gathering site is a quarter-mile walk from the parking lot with gentle slopes on uneven terrain and is not wheelchair accessible. We will meet rain or shine unless there’s really inclement weather, in which case we’ll work to reschedule. There are bathrooms and a water fountain next to the parking lot.

About the Teacher

For Jenny, nature-based meditation is a combination of healing our bodies, Mother Earth, and our connections to each other. It is an opportunity to connect more deeply with the rhythms and cycles of the moon, seasons, and elements; to slow down, tune in, and heal our inner and outer nature. Jenny is currently enrolled in the One Earth Sangha Ecosattva training that applies Buddhist teachings to addressing the ecological suffering of our shared world. In her free time, Jenny enjoys swimming in natural bodies of water and camping with her husband and their two children, a proudly neurodivergent, gender-neutral kiddo and an enthusiastic hip-hop dancing daughter.

Full Teacher Bio